Asphalt Paving & Milling

Asphalt Paving

Top Paving Contractor in South Jersey

Whether it’s your driveway, an apartment complex, a subdivision, a church, a retail business center, or even a public park, attractive and safe residential/commercial asphalt pavement is necessary. That means property owners need the most qualified asphalt paving company in the South Jersey, South Shore Sealcoating, LLC.

Asphalt Milling

Get Your Asphalt Milling Driveway

Asphalt milling and installation is one of the specialized services at South Shore. It involves removing the top layer of an existing asphalt pavement using specialized equipment. This technique prepares the surface for a new layer of asphalt, which is then installed to create a smooth, level, and durable surface. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to improve the durability and appearance of your driveway. At South Shore, we use state-of-the-art milling machines that can remove the asphalt layer to any desired depth, ensuring that the new surface is perfectly level and smooth.

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Common Questions

The duration of an asphalt paving project depends on factors such as the size of the project, weather conditions, and any necessary preparations. Smaller projects like driveways may take a few days, while larger projects like parking lots may take longer.

The cost of asphalt paving depends on factors such as the size of the project, site preparation requirements, the type of asphalt mix used, and any additional customization. We provide detailed quotes based on a thorough assessment of your specific project needs.

While newly paved asphalt may be ready for light use within a day or two, it takes several months for it to fully cure and harden. During this initial period, it’s essential to avoid heavy loads or sharp objects that could damage the surface.

Asphalt milling is an excellent solution for homeowners who want to repair their existing asphalt pavement without the expense and hassle of a complete replacement.